Manny Maceda, Worldwide Managing Partner at Bain & Company talks about the 5 main roles transformation leaders should play until the transformed organization of the future can inherit the initiatives and accept the baton, without dropping it in the handoff.
5 Things I learned from Manny Maceda @ Bain
In the video below Manny Maceda, Worldwide Managing Partner at Bain & Company, previously global leader of Bain's Full Potential Transformation Group, talks about the many roles a Transformation Officer and his team play.
5 Things I learned from Manny Maceda @ Bain & Company
Here are the 5 main roles described in the video:
The strategic architect that drives and choreographs a transformation agenda
Plays the integrator function - Plays "air-traffic control" and manage the interdependencies between the various initiatives related to the planned transformation
The dashboard holder - measuring and monitoring progress and achievements
The operator, if needed, of specific set of initiatives that can only be done in the center [horizontal, cross-functional, complicated initiatives]
Transformation coach to help the relevant functions achieve the transformation goals
As stated, each organization should aim for the "line" to own, embrace and implement the change. However, in a transformation, the line will change. The operating model, the skills and processes, may need to transform. Accordingly, during the transformation period, the transformation office creates the bridge, until the transformed organization of the future can inherit the initiative and accept the baton, without dropping it in the handoff.